- Phylogeny Programs
- The most complete list of phylogeny softwares (Felsenstein).
- PHYlogeny Inference Package (Felsenstein), the most complete free package for various phylogenetic studies. The only competitor is PAUP*, an all-purpose commercial package which, however, will not be introduced here.
- Simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies by maximum likelihood (Stephane Guindon and Olivier Gascuel). PHYML is almost the only hope to build a tree containing hundreds of sequences with likelihood methods. Most of other softwares will take irrealistic long time to achieve such a goal. PHYML's paper is described as a fast breaking paper. It has been cited over 400 times. An enhanced version of PHYML is widely used by Ensembl Compara and TreeFam.
- Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (Ziheng Yang).
- Seq-Gen
- An application for the Monte Carlo simulation of DNA and amino acid sequence evolution along phylogenetic trees (Andrew Rambaut and Nick Grassly).